ASMACO Carburetor Cleaner (Throttle Body Cleaner) Spray – 400 ml

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Product Details :
ASMACO CARBURETOR CLEANER – highly effective carburetor cleaner without dismantling it. Asmaco carburetor cleaner Quickly, carefully, and effectively clean throttle and air dampers, diffusers, jets, and all other available internal surfaces of carburetors, as well as their external surfaces. Applicable to all two – or four-stroke gasoline engines, with or without catalytic converters. Buy Wholesale carburetor cleaner for best prices online.
Features :
• Asmaco carburetor cleaner is a mixture of highly effective organic solvents. Does not contain acetone
• Completely dissolves and removes all typical carburetor contaminants of various origins
• Does not clog the engine components located behind the carburetor: valves, combustion chamber, etc.
• Stabilizes idle speed, facilitates cold start, improves engine acceleration
• Optimizes the operation of the intake system by cleaning and lubricating its moving parts
• The product contains substances that are aggressive to paint surfaces and plastics
• Reduces fuel consumption (up to 5%) and exhaust gas toxicity
• Applicable for cleaning motorcycle chains, timing chains, clutch parts, oil pumps, gears, crankshafts and other unpainted metal components and engine parts.
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